Ernesto L. Rodríguez León is member of Guerra González y Asociados S.C. since 1993 and Partner since 2004.
He has legal experience since 1996 specializing in litigation in Civil, Commercial and Administrative matters, as well as in Insolvency and Restructuring Proceedings, Constitutional Proceedings and Alternative Dispute Resolutions.
Insurance Law List.- The most relevant directory about the best law firms worldwide who have proved a solid experience in the insurance industry.
International Law Office.- ILO delivers expert legal commentary, in the form of concise weekly newsletter emails, to senior corporate counsel and law firm partners worldwide.
Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal.- Seeks to promote scientific research of Bankruptcy Law in the legal, economic and financial fields with an special focus in Latin America.
Co-author since 2001 of numerous articles published in the “Insolvency Newsletter” from the “International Law Office” based in London.
Ernesto L. Rodríguez León holds a “Master Degree in International Commercial Law”, issued by “Institute of Comparative and Foreign Law” of “McGill University” in Montreal, Canada. At the same university he coursed the seminar “Alternative Dispute Resolutions”.
In 1997 he received his “B.A. in Law” and a “Post-graduate Diploma in Finance” issued by “Universidad Iberoamericana” campus Mexico City.
· Barcelona, Spain (2019). ” International Insolvency Institute´s 19th Annual Conference”
· Mexico City, Mexico (2012). “VIII Latin American Insolvency Conference”, entitled “Trends and Requirements of Reforms in the Insolvency Law in the Global Crisis”, conference in which Guerra González y Asociados S.C. was sponsor
· New York City, USA. (2011). “International Insolvency Institute´s 11th Annual Conference”
· Mexico City, Mexico (2010). “III National Insolvency Conference”, conference in which Guerra González y Asociados S.C. was sponsor
· New York City, USA. (2009). “Ninth Annual International Insolvency Conference”
· Punta del Este, Uruguay (2008). “IV Latin America Insolvency Conference ” entitled “World Economic Crisis and the Insolvency”
· Falda, Province of Córdoba, Argentina (2007). “X Argentinian Conference of Company Law and VI Latin American Conference of Company Law”
· Mexico City, Mexico (2007). “First National Insolvency Conference “
· Ribeirao Preto, Province of Sao Paolo, Brazil (2007). “First Latin American Insolvency Seminar”
· Barranquilla, Colombia (2005). “First Hispanic American Bankruptcy Conference”
· New York City, USA (2005). “Fifth Anniversary Conferenceof the International Insolvency Institute“, in which Guerra González y Asociados, S.C. participated as member of the “International Litigation Panel”. The firm hosted the lecture entitled “The World´s Most Important Current International Insolvency Cases. Mexico: Altos Hornos de México, S.A. de C.V. (AHMSA), Grupo Acerero del Norte, S.A. de C.V. (GAN)”